Khoi and San win round 2 in River Club battle

Deputy Judge President Patricia Goliath had in March granted the interdict, saying that the fact that the development has economic benefits can never override the fundamental rights of the First Nations People – which was under threat if the development was allowed to proceed. This was after the Observatory Civic Association (OCA) and the Goringhaicona…


PRESS RELEASE Our Constitution stands up to the Test again – Judge Goliath dismisses leave to appeal on the River Club interdict Today Judge Goliath issued another clear and firm judgement that reflects the primacy of our Constitution in determining the validity of administrative decisions. She dismissed the applications by the Liesbeek Leisure Property Trust…

Our past is being destroyed

The Southern Suburbs Tatler – 21 April 2022 Thomas Johnson, Belthorne Estate Monica Sutherland’s letter (“River Club development will destroy heritage,” Southern Suburbs Tatler, April 14) is spot on. She asks the key question about development: why here? This is relevant when other, perhaps more suitable, sites are available. For the developer it’s easy: tenants…

Working at Amazon Is Hazardous to Your Health

Alex N. Press – 19 April 2022 A new report shows just how dangerous it is to work at Amazon. Injury rates last year at Amazon warehouses were 20 percent higher than the already alarmingly high 2020 rate — and more than twice that of non-Amazon warehouses. Amazon’s workplace safety issues are getting worse, though…

Turning a Canal into a River: Liesbeek, Cape Town

Click here to watch a YouTube video about an exciting project that shows how a canalised section of an urban river in Cape Town is being turned into a river that supports habitat, adds amenity, and involves local citizens, community organisations, Dutch Foreign Ministry, and students and staff from the Universities of Cape Town and…

Walk of Liberation and Resistance

Dear Obs residents The Observatory Civic Association is partnering with a range of other groups to undertake a Walk of Resistance and Liberation intended to stop the destruction taking place at the River Club site and protect the Riverine valley of the Liesbeek from the construction of a massive commercial site which will house, amongst…