14 APR 2022 — Today, Judge Patricia Goliath considers the four applications (from the Liesbeek Leisure Property Trust (LLPT), the City of Cape Town, the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEADP) and the First Nations Collective (FNC)) for leave to appeal the groundbreaking interdict she granted to stop the construction at the River…
The LLPT Appeal: “Imagined” is how they understand intangible heritage
20220406_SCT&PW_Invite Mun_WC Prov Trans Infr Bill 10 APR 2022 — The developers, Liesbeek Leisure Property Trust (LLPT), applied for leave to Appeal on 28 March against Judge Patricia Goliath’s interdict ruling that they may not proceed with construction on the River Club site until the High Court reviews the rezoning and Environmental Authorisation decisions (by…
Social Responsiveness Award
Click here to read about Leslie London receiving UCT’s Social Responsiveness Award.
The couple who use their love language of food to serve humanity
Click here to read the article about OCA-Mancomm member Kiki Bisogno.
OCA comment on proposed building changes at 2 Howe Street
See comment here See comment/objection form here
Western Cape Provincial Transport Infrastructure Bill: Request for comments
Western Cape Provincial Transaport -B 5-2021 First printers proof 152-2022 Advert Eng WC Prov Tran Infr Bill Edited 20220406_SCT&PW_Invite Mun_WC Prov Trans Infr Bill
Comment: Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill (Additional Comments)
The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services is currently considering amendments to the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill [B19 – 2020]. The committee invites interested parties/stakeholders to make written submissions on proposals to extend the subject of the Bill to, in addition, provide for: – commercial activities in respect of recreational cannabis; – the…
A call to defend civic democracy
The City of Cape Town is transforming the Ward Committee system from places of participation and democracy into mere administrative tools to support local councillors. This has happened through two mechanisms: 1. With the decision to limit or, in the case of Ward 57, to cancel any participation of civic organisations on the Ward committee….
For all you tree-huggers out there!
The City of Cape Town is in the process of revising the Urban Forest Policy (previously called “Tree Management Policy”) In terms of section 17 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000, the public and interested parties or groups are given the opportunity to submit comments, recommendations or input to the…