PRESS RELEASE Our Constitution stands up to the Test again – Judge Goliath dismisses leave to appeal on the River Club interdict Today Judge Goliath issued another clear and firm judgement that reflects the primacy of our Constitution in determining the validity of administrative decisions. She dismissed the applications by the Liesbeek Leisure Property Trust…
Recording of the appeal hearing
Click here to download a copy of the recording of the hearing.
Judge Goliath grants an interdict to stop the River Club development
The Observatory Civic Association and the Goringhaicona Khoi Khoin Indigenous Traditional Council welcome Judge Goliath’s ruling in favour of our application to interdict the ongoing construction at the River Club site in Observatory. In her carefully crafted judgement, she noted the importance of First Nation Peoples’ deep and sacred linkage to the site through lineage,…
Watch our court case on YouTube

We have now fully uploaded all three days of the Court proceedings which finished on January the 21st. You can watch the days proceedings here: Day 1 – Day 2 – Day 3 – Yesterday was exactly 5 weeks since the hearings ended, but unfortunately we have been unable to get any…
Press statement from the Liesbeek Action Campaign
Thursday, February 3, 2022 SMALL KHOI GROUP THAT SUPPORTS THE DEVELOPER NOW TURN THEIR BACK ON HERITAGE TO SUIT AMAZON’S PLANS • “First Nations Collective” does a shocking 180-degree turn • Majority of San and Khoi reject the development by Amazon (Please see our more in-depth statement here:…/1N9GSfW…) On 31 January, Chief Zenzile Khoisan,…
Notes for Oral Argument
See our advocate Alan Dodson’s Notes for Oral Argument here
Court hearing – Stop the destruction of this sacred floodplain
PRIVATE DEVELOPER, CITY OF CAPE TOWN MUST ANSWER FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF A SACRED FLOODPLAIN On the 19th to 21st January 2022, our interdict will be heard in the Cape Town High Court, the proceedings will be live-streamed. It seeks to stop the development of 150 000 square metres of concrete at the River Club…
Update on our court case
We were due to be in court this coming week on the 24th and 25th November but Deputy Judge President Goliath, who was allocated to hear the case, has fallen ill. The Judge President refused to allocate it to another judge. This means that the hearing will not be taking place 24th and 25th of…
High court action update
Dear Civic, NGO and other supporters I am writing to you as supporters of our campaign against the River Club development and/or supporters of our application for heritage status for the Two Rivers Urban Park. The legal process of securing an interdict and review of the approvals by the City and DEADP is now awaiting…
High court action update
Dear LAC Supporters A quick update: 1. We are on track to go to court – The OCA lodged its papers with the High Court on the 2nd August 2021. We sought relief on two matters: (a) an urgent interdict to halt the construction on the site, whilst (b) the High Court considers a review…