I am writing to alert you to what the OCA and other Obs Community groups have been doing with regard to the COVID-19 epidemic. 1. The homeless The situation of the homeless has been a big concern for many people in Observatory and across the Cape Town Metro. We have organized feeding and other support…
City offers additional financial help for those severely affected by COVID-19 crisis
CITY OF CAPE TOWN 11 APRIL 2020 STATEMENT BY THE CITY’S EXECUTIVE DEPUTY MAYOR AND MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEMBER FOR FINANCE, ALDERMAN IAN NEILSON Over the past few weeks, the City of Cape Town has been looking at how additional financial relief can be offered to property owners and businesses. This needs to be done in…
Open letter to the Mayor Dan Plato re the Homeless challenges
We write to you openly because we are deeply concerned about the Municipality’s actions regarding the problems faced by homeless people in the COVID-19 epidemic. We believe that the City’s plan to relocate homeless people to a small number of large locations for shelter is a wrong and dangerous decision. Using a single large venue,…
CoCT Site visit to Strandfontein’s emergency accommodation
9 APRIL 2020 CITY OF CAPE TOWN SPEECH BY THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR OF CAPE TOWN, ALDERMAN DAN PLATO Good afternoon, and welcome to the temporary emergency accommodation that we have set up at the Strandfontein Sports Complex. I want to make this 100% clear to dispel all the misinformation that is going around. This site…
City drives ‘water on wheels’ as part of COVID-19 mitigation efforts
CITY OF CAPE TOWN 6 APRIL 2020 STATEMENT BY THE CITY’S MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEMBER FOR WATER AND WASTE, ALDERMAN XANTHEA LIMBERG The City of Cape Town continues to provide basic and essential services to approximately 200 000 informal households. Cape Town’s provision of these services exceeds the standards set by National Government. Given the State…
COVID-19 is now our priority – a Word from our Chair
Dear Obs residents, This has been a really hectic time and we hope you are all keeping safe, staying home, and practicing social distancing and lots of surface cleaning and hand washing. COVID-19 is changing our lives and we hope we will emerge a more caring society afterward. I have no substantive reports on LDG…
City to start moving street people to temporary shelters
CITY OF CAPE TOWN 28 MARCH 2020 STATEMENT BY MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEMBER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES AND HEALTH, COUNCILLOR ZAHID BADROODIEN The City of Cape Town will this weekend start moving street people to the first of several temporary shelter sites that have been identified, in accordance with the national lockdown that came into effect at…
City making every effort to clear refuse collection backlog
CITY OF CAPE TOWN 28 MARCH 2020 STATEMENT BY THE CITY’S MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEMBER FOR WATER AND WASTE ALDERMAN XANTHEA LIMBERG The City of Cape Town assures residents that every effort is being made to maintain delivery of basic services despite the threat posed by COVID-19. We have taken every legal step available to address…
Limited MyCiTi, public transport services during lockdown
CITY OF CAPE TOWN 26 MARCH 2020 STATEMENT BY EXECUTIVE MAYOR, ALDERMAN DAN PLATO The National Government has announced a national lockdown to protect our communities against the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, and to limit its spreading. The lockdown will be in effect as from 23:59 this evening, Thursday, 26 March 2020, for 21 days…
City announces closure of more non-essential services
CITY OF CAPE TOWN 25 MARCH 2020 STATEMENT BY EXECUTIVE MAYOR, ALDERMAN DAN PLATO In preparation of the national lockdown that takes effect at 23:59 on Thursday, 26 March 2020, the City would like to inform the public of the closure of more non-essential services during this period. City’s contact centre The City’s…