Obs swimming pool to remain closed
REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE A number of swimming pools are undergoing repairs and maintenance and will open in phases throughout the summer season. These are Athlone, Bellville, Bellville South, Bonteheuwel, Delft, Goodwood, Manenberg, Mnandi, Newlands, Parow North, Parow Valley and Ravensmead swimming pools. The City will communicate opening dates as they are confirmed. Unfortunately the Eastridge,…
2021 raffle!
Over R10 000 worth of prizes up for grabs! Our very popular annual TRASH Observatory Community River Clean-up raffle is a vital part of our fundraising activities. Funds raised from this event go towards the costs of the monthly clean-ups: Friends of the Liesbeek staff and equipment to keeping “our” stretch of the Liesbeek River…
Climate Change – Why the River Club redevelopment will reduce the City’s Climate resilience
11 NOV 2021 — Dr Crispian Olver, Executive Director of the Presidential Climate Commission, speaking on an SAFM breakfast interview, argued that climate change “…is the greatest societal challenge we will ever face.” He is absolutely correct, so it’s appropriate that on the eve of COP26 concluding its deliberations, we should reflect on the City…
Jeff, we are not fooled by Climate Change posturing
16 NOV 2021 — More than a hundred protesters gathered on Friday 12th November at the Liesbeek River to mark the end of COP26. Leaders from Khoi indigenous groups, civic activists, community members, educators and learners, former UDF activists, residents, young and older, joined together to make it clear that the River Club redevelopment is…
Dog walkers requested to be mindful at Malta Park
– Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17h00-19h00,Montrose Cricket Club conducts their cricket training sessions on the field; – Three weeks ago the chair of the club was bitten by a residents dog entering the space within the cricket practice nets – This communication therefore serves as a request for residents to keep their dogs on a…
Algae Bloom in Zandvlei
18 NOV 2021 — To: Abdulla Parker Catchment Stormwater and River Management – Water and Sanitation Dear Mr Parker As I am sure you are aware, the algae bloom in Zandvlei is increasing and covering larger areas of the water body. Although we have been informed that the old weed harvester has been repaired, it…
Development dispute
Kaylynne Bantom – 16 November 2021 On Friday 12 November a group of civic, Khoi and environmental organisations held a peaceful demonstration at the TRUP mound in Liesbeek Parkway in Observatory against the development of the site. In April this year the City approved a 15-hectare parcel of land for development by the Liesbeek Leisure…
Fight to stop River Club development continues
Wesley Ford – 18 Nov 2021 What is happening to the River Club site in Observatory is a repeat of what happened there more than 400 years ago when indigenous people were dispossessed of their land. So say the hundreds of protesters who gathered at the entrance of the Two Rivers Urban Park to voice…
Land activists call on Jeff Bezos to intercede in a development on sacred land in Observatory
Next month, The Observatory Civic Association (OCA) and Goringhaicona Khoi Khoin Traditional Indigenous Council will be going to court in an effort to seek an interdict against the River Club developers from going ahead with the development. Or live stream the show on YouTube here: