OCA Appeal against DEADP decision regarding the River Club

Dear registered Interested and Affected Parties, relevant government authorities, and other stakeholders The Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning in the Western Cape recently granted an Environmental Authorisation for the proposed redevelopment of the River Club in Observatory in terms of the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998, and the Environmental Impact Assessment…

OCA Letter to our city councillors

Dear Paddy and Matthew As registered I&APs in the River Club BAR, you would have received our Appeal against the Environmental Authorisation issued on the 20th August to the LLPT for their development at the River Club. For completeness, I attach it again. I am writing to remind you that the law entitles any I&AP…

TRUPA’s Appeal of EA on River Club Site by DEADP

Two Rivers Urban Park Association represents a multitude of Interested Party Stakeholders, associated either as individuals or organisations under the TRUPA Constitution, some involved for over 22 years of stakeholder participation since before T R U Park was set up in 2003. TRUP and TRUPA are guided by the TRUP Contextual Framework (LSDF) and the Environmental Management…

TRUPA Response to River Club Rezoning App

TRUPA’S OBJECTION TO REZONING & DEVIATIONS TO ERF 151832  1. The Two Rivers Urban Park Association (TRUPA) would like to submit the following comment and objection in firm response to the unfortunate application to rezone the River Club site as per the application 70396369. TRUPA have submitted a number of previous objections and comments representing TRUPA’s mandate. TRUPA represents stakeholders…

a Word from our chair – Response to the ruling on the river club development

Dear OCA members As we pointed out in our last newsletter, the provincial Department of Environmental Affairs and Economic Development (DEADP) issued an Environmental Authorisation under the National Environmental Management Act for the proposed re-development of the River Club. It is an understatement to say we do not believe the Environmental Authorisation is justified. The…