A Social Compact must be about a public, not private, benefit

24 JUN 2021 —  Today the LLPT announced news of an event featuring a so-called Social Compact between the developers and the First Nations Collective (FNC). This is not surprising though it is rather illogical. A Social Compact is an implicit agreement among the members of a society to co-operate for social benefits, for example by…

Not a Rubbish Dump, Jody.

23 JUN 2021 —  In March 2020, Jody Aufrichtig claimed in a letter to the Cape Argus newspaper that “The River Club site is in fact severely under-utilised, closed to the public and degraded, with some parts being used as a rubbish dump.” Well, the LLPT, as legally required to do, have done a faunal search and…

Updates from OBSID

29 June 2021 Our three mobile kiosks, positioned within the OBSID boundaries, are there to act as visual deterrents to crime. If you spot anything suspicious, please contact our 24/7/365 control room on 021-447-1066 or WhatsApp on 074 636 9933. 22 June 2021 #Communitree and #OBSID – greening Observatory Big thanks to our team of greening volunteers who…


Sharp rise in infections should spur increased adherence to protocols during third wave. The City of Cape Town’s Health Department would like to remind residents to practice Covid-19 hygiene protocols as the number of Covid-19 infections increase. Read more below: The City’s Health Department confirmed that as at 18 June 2021 the metropole has recorded 191 624…

Comments on the proposal to amend the Western Cape Constitution to abolish the position of Environmental Commissioner:  

60 Trill Road Observatory 7925 31st May 2021 To the Standing Committee on Premier and Constitutional Matters Western Cape Provincial Parliament Wale St Cape Town Email: [email protected] 1. The Observatory Civic Association wishes to make the following comments as input to the Western Cape parliamentary discussion on the abolition of the Environmental Commissioner from the Western…

The Obz Rainbow House needs your help!

Please help us keep our supportive housing project open throughout Winter 2021! The Obz Rainbow House needs community support to stay open and carry our clients, previously living on the streets of Obs, through winter 2021. The Obs Pasta Kitchen is partnering with OBSID to fundraise for the Obz Rainbow House. Opened in lockdown last…

News from the Willow Arts Collective

On the 26th of May 2021, the Willow Arts Collective, residents of the premise on 2 Willow Road Observatory, saw ourselves once again before Magistrate Khan at the Cape Town Magistrate’s Court (case number 8917/19). We have been fighting the City of Cape Town’s attempts to evict us, now seeking an application to strike-out the…

Statement from the A|XARRA Restorative Justice Forum

Greetings In response to the email that we all received, please find the following statement and call for solidarity. The A|XARRA Restorative Justice Forum together with the Khoi and San Kingdom Council of Southern Africa, the Goringhaicona Khoi Khoin Traditional and Indigenous Council, the Cochoqua Royal Council, the Kai Korana Transfrontier, the !Aman Royal Council,…