Affordable Housing in Observatory

In July 2018, a group of 24 students from North Eastern University in Boston conducted a survey in Observatory as part of their study abroad program focused on the “right to the city” in South Africa. In partnership with the OCA, they surveyed businesses and residents in the area to explore the understanding of what is affordable housing and people’s attitudes towards affordable housing in Observatory. Overall, most respondents were positive about more affordable housing in the area. Most people (76.4%) agreed to increase affordable housing stock could be balanced with Observatory’s character, but many said it depended on various factors such as the style of homes built, where they were built, housing density, security, who oversees the project, how much the community was consulted and the capacity of existing infrastructure to cope.

The full presentation is here.

OCA followed up this survey with a public meeting on 9 Feb 2019, for which two of the presentations are below.
OCA Presentation
DAG Affordable Housing options

Affordable housing remains a big issue on OCA’s agenda over which we have and will continue to engage with various Civil Society Organisations.