High court action update

Dear LAC Supporters A quick update: 1. We are on track to go to court – The OCA lodged its papers with the High Court on the 2nd August 2021. We sought relief on two matters: (a) an urgent interdict to halt the construction on the site, whilst (b) the High Court considers a review…

Cape Town’s heritage for sale: Brownwashing The River Club

If greenwashing is disinformation disseminated to present an environmentally responsible public image, what the developers of The River Club project are engaging in might be called brownwashing — falsely presenting themselves as promoters of indigenous rights. Liesbeek Leisure Properties Trust claims “the majority of the Cape’s Khoi and San leaders and representatives” are in support…

The OCA is seeking an organiser

The OCA is seeking a part-time organiser for the Liesbeek Action Campaign – #maketheliesbeekmatter Background: The Observatory Civic Association (OCA) is looking for a part-time organiser to support the campaign against the re-development of the River Club. The Campaign is comprised of members of a number of different Civics, NGOs and Khoi groups, but principally…

Deadline has passed – we are going to the press ombudsman!

From: Edwin Angless Subject: Re: Amazon and the River Club Date: 20 August 2021 at 20:01:36 SAST To: robyn@hsm.co.za Cc: Edwin Angless Dear Robyn, I refer to the emails I have sent to you querying the origin and approach to the articles referred to below, which have received no response or comment from yourself. These…

Press release from Groote Schuur hospital

Issued from the Groote Schuur Hospital Facility Board 
Date 21st August 2021, 1300 Re: Disrespectful and attacking comments made towards our staff As the entrusted and elected community representatives on the Groote Schuur Hospital Facility Board, we distance ourselves from all the utterances made by a small group of community members who have gathered at…

Cape Town’s heritage for sale: Brownwashing The River Club

If greenwashing is disinformation disseminated to present an environmentally responsible public image, what the developers of The River Club project are engaging in might be called brownwashing — falsely presenting themselves as promoters of indigenous rights. Liesbeek Leisure Properties Trust claims “the majority of the Cape’s Khoi and San leaders and representatives” are in support…

Indigenous land dispute dogs Amazon’s Africa expansion

DURBAN, Aug 9 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Over 500 years ago, South Africa’s indigenous Khoi and San population fought off a Portuguese attack in one of the first, and most successful, anti-colonial battles in Africa. Today, some descendants of the Khoi and San view U.S. retail giant Amazon’s attempts to build an Africa headquarters on…