Calling for volunteers – placarding on Monday 17 and Tues 18 along the Liesbeek

Dear LAC supporters,

As you know, we will be in court next Wed 19th to seek an interdict to stop the construction at the River Club site.
We are going to hold placard demonstrations on Monday 17th and Tues 18th along Liesbeek Parkway.
The times for the demonstrations are 7.30am to 8.30am in the morning and 4.30 to 5.30pm in the afternoon.

Please help to make it clear that Obs Residents are united in opposing this development.
A strong showing will help our case.

We have lots of placard made and ready but feel free to bring your own.

If you know when you are able to join, please email [email protected] to let us know which of the times / days you can make.

The main gathering will be at Durban Road and Liesbeek Parkway Intersection and you can collect a placard at the outdoor gym on the banks of the Liesbeek opposite Liesbeek Gardens residence.