Leslie London – 15 Dec 2021 Chair of the Observatory Civic Association Leslie London disputes claims made by the Liesbeek Leisure Properties Trust over the River Club redevelopment in Cape Town, writing that truth is the casualty. There is a propaganda war taking place over the River Club redevelopment in Cape Town, and the truth…
2021 AGM report backs
OCA Mancomm election results Chair: Leslie London – For 27, Against 0, Abstentions 0 Treasurer: Joy Robinson – For 26, Against 1, Abstentions 0 Secretary: Sarah Driver-Jowitt – For 24, Against 2, Abstentions 1 Communications: Edwin Angless – For 25, Against 1, Abstentions 1 Car Park: DeVos Rabie – For 26, Against 0, Abstentions 1…
Deputy Judge President confirms High Court dates: Jan 19, 20 and 21!
Dear > The OCA held a successful AGM last Tuesday and some of the reports from that meeting are to be found below. For those of you who support our campaign to stop the River Club development from going ahead, we have at last been granted the dates for our high court injunction to be…
OBSID public safety report
Manfred Zylla Solo Exhibition – Oudtshoorn Portraits
We sat down with Manfred Zylla to chat about his exhibition he sketched at the Oudtshoorn Arts Festival 2007. The Klein Karoo National Arts Festival for the first time that year, as per Manfred, included the indigenous Khoi peoples and community as part of the festival. He there painted portraits of indigenous leaders, writers, poets,…
Koena Art Institute presents: Collin the Bushman
Obz car boot sale
Infilling of the Black River angers activists
Bulelwa Payi – 12 December 2021 The First Nations Khoi people, civic and environmental organisations are calling on the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) to urgently declare a protection order against the River Club development. This comes in the wake of the infilling of the Black River in Observatory, regarded as sacred by the…
River Club was not on Amazon’s short list – court papers
Stece Kretzman – 2 December 2021 Opponents of the R4.5 billion property development at the confluence of the Liesbeek and Black rivers in Cape Town have sought an urgent interdict to prevent building going ahead. The project includes the new regional headquarters of corporate giant Amazon, and opponents have been warned that blocking the development…
River Club: Utopian fantasies of a high-tech concrete jungle in a city of broken infrastructures and fractured communities
By Steven Robins – 22 Nov 2021 While the details of the land-use planning decision to rezone the River Club land for development has yet to be dissected in the courtroom, what has become very clear is that the economic and political relations between the developers and their civil society opponents are highly unequal. After…