Press conference on the proposed development of the River Club and the new Hartleyvale Stadium both in the TRUP precinct.

Goringhaicona held a combined press conference in solidarity with the Southern African Khoi and San Kingdom Council (which includes the Cochoqua Royal House, San, Nama, !Aman) the Kai Korana Transfrontier, FC Kaapstadt, the Greater Cape Town Civic Alliance, Civic Action for Public Participation, Woodstock Civic Association, Observatory Civic Association, Observatory Civic Association and the Two…

Invitation to join ObsCAN Feed You!

ObsCAN Feed You (OCFY)) is a community kitchen initiative that mobilises resources (time, culinary skills, money, community and food) within the neighbourhood of Observatory towards making good nutritious food available to people who need it. We emerged from community-based Covid-19 response action and it is our wish to evolve into a sustained structure of community…

Request for a consultative process for the future of the Malta Park and Hartleyvale precincts

Dear Councillors Badroodien and Chapple Request for a consultative process for the future of the Malta Park and Hartleyvale precincts I write on behalf of the Observatory Civic Association to request the City initiate a public consultation over a precinct plan for the sites including the Hartleyvale Precinct and Malta Park areas, which constitute part…

Koena Art Institute NPC Grand opening exhibition of its new and first gallery space in Cape Town, Observatory

Koena Art Institute NPC is delighted to present the grand opening exhibition of its new and first gallery space in Cape Town, Observatory, 42 Trill Road – Top Floor.  The expressions of fine and contemporary Khoi/San artists themed “Indigenous” will be exhibited for the first time, presenting artwork by established artists of over 20 year…

What residents need to know about refuse collection, City drop-off facilities and ‘Christmas boxes’ over the festive season

The City of Cape Town’s Solid Waste Department encourages residents to note the operating times for refuse collections and the City’s drop-offs facilities for December 2020 and January 2021. Residents are also advised that they are under no obligation to give cash donations or ‘Christmas boxes’ to refuse collection staff and contractors. Read more below:…

Why the River Club development is destructive

Photo courtesy of Trevor Lea The River Club owner and developer Jody Aufrichtig has again published an opinion piece on the River Club development (Weekend Argus Nov 2nd) that misleads the public and obscures facts.  We beg to differ that the process of decision-making was comprehensive, open, and transparent, nor that it justifies the massively destructive…

AGM Nov 2020 – Nominations Received for Mancomm positions

Please click on each name to see the relevant nomination form. Leslie London for Chair Sheila Barsel for Deputy Chair Roegchanda Pascoe for Deputy Chair Joy Robinson for Treasurer Edwin Angless for Ward Committee Rep Edwin Angless for Communications Kimon Bisogno for Social Issues Tauriq Jenkins for Arts, Culture & Sports Naomi Roux for Architecture…

Chairperson’s report OCA AGM 24th November 2020

There is no doubt that this year has been a tumultuous year and the Observatory community has faced many challenges, not least from the impact of COVID-19 and the associated lockdown restrictions but also many other civic developments affecting our community. Nonetheless, I think Observatory has weathered these challenges well and responded in ways that…