GET REAL – an in person virtual activity?! The first Big (not) Virtual Clean Up in Obs! This SATURDAY 5/03/21 9:30AM Meeting point – GROUND ZERO cafe, first 20 participants get a discount of R15 a coffee or a coffee & muffin special R30 Use: ObsWatch as your discount password. While the virtual clean up…
Social issues report
February 2022 Half moon report It has been an exciting start to the new year with passionate people who love our community coming together to make Obs a better place for all. The Obs Journey Continues A result of a Town Hall meeting called last year to talk about safety and security in Obs –…
Rivers as People – The Liesbeek River is Being Murdered While Judge Goliath Decides
27 FEB 2022 — Day 37 after the end of the urgent interdict hearing. We are still awaiting the Judge’s decision. The developers have now fenced off the remnant of the original course of the Liesbeek River and have started proceeding to infill it. The image above is devastation and devastating… READ FULL ARTICLE HERE
While the Judge makes her decision, muddying narratives will emerge
21 FEB 2022 — Day 30 after the end of our High Court hearing and we still await Judge Goliath’s decision. We know it’s a complex case and needs a lot of careful consideration of a wide range of facts. But while we wait, the concrete continues pouring. Amazon’s HQ building is now three floors…
Concerns over the proposed sectoral composition of the Ward Committee for Ward 57
Dear OCA members I took a look at the Ward Committee projects on the City website for the wards in our Sub-Council I have pasted them below Our Ward 57 has only three projects going, one of which is upgrade to a subway at Alma Rd, one is a closed-circuit camera operation and one is…
Art of the day by Marlene Liebenberg
Art of the day The voice by Marlene Liebenberg Resincomposite 31cmx18x13cm R5000 excluding courier “It is the way I feel. I just want to scream at all that is happening in the world and the past. All those things you keep inside though all the years” – Marlene Liebenberg Available exclusively through the Koena Art…
Watch our court case on YouTube
We have now fully uploaded all three days of the Court proceedings which finished on January the 21st. You can watch the days proceedings here: Day 1 – Day 2 – Day 3 – Yesterday was exactly 5 weeks since the hearings ended, but unfortunately we have been unable to get any…
You can still get a tax rebate if you donate to our legal fund BEFORE 1 March!
PLEASE NOTE: You can still get a tax rebate if you donate to our legal fund by clicking here. and choosing one of the 3 different ways of paying. To qualify for a rebate you must make your donation before the end of the day on Monday 28th February. When making your donation please…
Right of reply: Read the petition, James Tannenberg, Khoi descendants don’t want their sacred heritage site ‘developed’
Tauriq Jenkins & Leslie London – 21 Feb 2022 Dear James Tannenberg, Since you have once again made use of the First Nations Collective’s (FNC) support to justify the destruction of a sacred heritage resource for the Khoi, we thought we would share some of the comments made on our petition site. That’s because the…
Poll from the OCA
Dear Neighbours, The Observatory Civic Association (OCA) is your local Civic Association focused on supporting residents in Observatory with issues of culture, heritage, art, sport, architecture and of course the social issues facing us here in Observatory. We seek to represent the needs of residents, run activities that support our community and lift debates and…