In Defence of our Constitutional Democracyts

Many of you requested recordings of the Institute for African Alternatives’ (IFAA’s) workshop on Ethics, Parliament and the Elected Representative, held on 24 August. Please visit IFAA’s YouTube page on Or access recordings of the individual presentations, see below: RICHARD CALLAND, Associate Professor, Public Law, Cape Town University at ANTHONY SMITH, Chief Executive,…

Women Talk at Midnight

Hello everyone, As I’m sure you’ve all observed, our vibrant community of participants in our (almost) midnight walks is expanding with each passing walk. Some of you may already be aware that this initiative shares a sister movement in India, led by Mallika Taneja, women in New Delhi have been organizing and partaking in midnight…

STREETOPIA is back ON 25 November 2023!

At Streetopia, the magic of the AfrikaBurn creative community spills out onto the streets of Observatory, Cape Town, bringing together artists, nonprofit organisations, residents and local businesses for a whole day of Mutant Vehicles, performances, artworks, gifting, music and much, much more. After COVID-19 restricted Streetopia from taking place for a few years, we are…

Solar PV and battery system installation: Important information

Solar PV and battery system installation: Important information With Eskom’s intense load-shedding, Capetonians are increasingly choosing to install solar PV and battery systems. The City thanks customers for choosing safe and legal installations and applying for authorisation, which is a national requirement. In an effort to speed up the application process, from 1 October 2023,…

How to start a petition on My Smart City

Where there’s unity, there’s power. That’s why we believe in creating a sense of belonging and connectedness within communities. With My Smart City, you have the power to contribute to causes you care about, right from the palm of your hand. With our user-friendly app, signing petitions has never been easier. From advocating for cleaner…