Cape Town – Leaders of opposition political parties gathered at the controversial Strandfontein temporary relocation camp on Saturday, where at least 1 500 homeless people were being housed due to the lockdown instituted to combat the spread of the deadly coronavirus. Outside the Strandfontein Sports Complex, Western Cape commissioner Chris Nissen explained that the Human…
Covid-19: The Strandfontein Relocation Camp is a test of our morality as a city
NEWS | By GroundUp• 14 April 2020 Thousands of Capetonians object to the way the City is treating homeless people during the lockdown First published by GroundUp . This past week, the City of Cape Town began moving homeless people living on the street to a relocation camp that is being constructed on the Strandfontein Sports Ground….
‘It was like walking into a concentration camp, security guards on the dunes’
NEWS | 9 April 2020 9:21 AM | by Barbara Friedman A community worker describes the Strandfontein camp that has been created to house Cape Town’s homeless during the lockdown. Toni Tresadern of Thandanani, an organisation based in Welgelegen which collects food and distributes it to the homeless went out on Wednesday to Strandfontein where…
Covid-19: Observatory squatters will not go to Strandfontein shelter
NEWS | By Sisonke Mlamla and Shakirah Thebus Apr 9, 2020 Cape Town – A group of squatters calling themselves Singabalapha (we belong here), consisting of more than 50 people living in tents on the pavements in Observatory, said they will not be removed from their area to the City’s allocated temporary shelter in Strandfontein…
Motsoaledi wants SAPS to investigate CT Mayor Dan Plato over refugee shelter
NEWS | 6 April 2020 2:20 PM | by Qama Qukula Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has lashed out at the City of Cape Town over the removal and relocation of refugees. Motsoaledi and Public Works Minister Patricia de Lille published a joint statement accusing city officials of being obstructive when it comes to relocating…
Dozens arrested for breaking lockdown regulations
CITY OF CAPE TOWN | 20 APRIL 2020 MEDIA RELEASE Nearly 60% of the 84 persons arrested by the City’s enforcement agencies in the last week were in contravention of the Disaster Management Act – most notably shopkeepers selling prohibited goods. Read more below: The Metro Police Department made 53 arrests – one for drunk…
WATCH | Cape Town women band together to sew masks to put food on the table amid lockdown
Gwebza, a Cape Town women’s sewing, supplying and catering cooperative, pivoted its operations from making local school uniforms to sewing cloth masks out of traditional African fabrics. This after the nationwide Covid-19 lockdown halted their production. The women’s cooperative, headed by founder Linda Mlanzeli Baleni, operates from a factory in Woodstock and employs 34…
UPDATE on OBS CAN initiatives and needs – What we are doing
Community Action Networks are neighborhood-organized initiatives that have been set up by communities, for communities to respond to Covid-19. It often means that one neighbourhood might be paired with another, more vulnerable neighbourhood, to bring support and relief. Observatory has been paired with Mfuleni, a community of people living around 40km away. It quickly became…
OCA Social Issues Homeless Feeding Program Observatory – UPDATE
Meals are served as below. 1.SPAR / Village Green Daily meal 12pm & dinner 6pm 2.PNP Occupiers/Arcadia/Singabalapha Daily food / meal / water delivery 3.Circus WAC Weekly food delivery / Food parcel 4.Liesbeek Super 7 (+2!) Weekly food delivery / food parcel 5. 12 persons (now 13 & a baby) living…
TRUPA Response to the Argus article on the 16 April 2020
“R5bn River Club ‘redevelopment comes to an end after tribunal ruling” NEWS | Marvin Charles | 16 April 2020 It is so common that journalists get complex issues wrong! The headline in the Argus article by Marvin Charles, on 16 April stated: “R5bn River Club ‘redevelopment comes to an end after tribunal ruling” The facts…