Week 7 and with the weather changing this has been a week of reflection for the Homeless feeding CAN. For the first time we “met up” on Zoom and discussed the victories and challenges, what’s happening for us and how to proceed through to June. It was a heartwarming meet up to have 16 strangers…
The Coronavirus is going to get worse before things get better, now is the time to pull together so we can get through this
CITY OF CAPE TOWN | 18 MAY 2020 | MEDIA RELEASE STATEMENT BY THE CITY’S EXECUTIVE MAYOR, ALDERMAN DAN PLATO It goes without saying that on 27 March 2020, life in South Africa changed. It has been almost two months since many of our lives and businesses came to a grinding halt. While President Cyril Ramaphosa…
City and Design Indaba hand over Shelter bags to the homeless
CITY OF CAPE TOWN | 17 MAY 2020 | MEDIA RELEASE The City of Cape Town received a much-needed donation of 200 Shelter bags from Design Indaba. These bags were handed over by the City’s Disaster Risk Management Centre and Mayoral Committee Member for Community Service and Health, Councillor Zahid Badroodien, to homeless people at the City’s…
Cape Town Mayor hands out more than 2000 masks in Atlantis
CITY OF CAPE TOWN | 17 MAY 2020 | MEDIA RELEASE The Executive Mayor Dan Plato, joined by Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities and Asset Management, Alderman James Vos, distributed cloth masks donated by the private sector. Masks were handed out at the Wesfleur and Witsand informal trading areas. ‘I am concerned that many people were…
River Club project has not been halted despite heritage appeal ruling, decision is still awaiting
An impression of the proposed River Club development contained in the Basic Assessment Report, a public document produced by SRK Consulting. NEWS | By Trustees of the Liesbeek Leisure Properties Trust | 22 April 2020 In this right of reply, the developers of a controversial development proposal in Observatory, Cape Town, say an appeal ruling…
What happens to Cape Town’s homeless as lockdown is eased?
NEWS | Jenni Evans and Nicole McCain | 16 May 2020 The City of Cape Town said it can no longer force homeless people to live in shelters now that the lockdown has eased from Level 5 to 4, denying it is dumping people as it shuts down its Strandfontein camp. This after the Muizenberg Improvement…
NEWS | By Media2 | Posted May 11, 2020 | In C19PC Statement Commissioner Solomon Ayele Derrso Chairperson of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights Chairperson and the Commissioner Rapporteur on the human rights situation in the RSA Dear Honorable Derrso Rights violations threaten individuals and communities via lockdown regulations in South Africa We, members of the C19 People’s Coalition,…
Cape Town Together: COVID-19 Response
Community Action Network (CAN) Starter Pack Compiled by Cape Town Together CAN! With input from Dr Leanne Brady What is Cape Town Together? Cape Town Together is a rapid community response to COVID-19. The broader collective is made up of people from all over the city coming together to self-organise, take local action, and develop…
RMCA Letter regarding the Public Places and the Prevention of Noise Nuisances Amendment By-law
Rosebank, the 15 May 2020 To the City of Cape Town, The City of Cape Town Streets, Public Places and the Prevention of Noise Nuisances Amendment By-law, 2020 refers. The City of Cape Town claims that the proposed amendments to its nuisance by-laws are primarily threefold: i) to ensure more effective resolution of complaints from…
The above matter has reference. The Women’s Legal Centre is an African Feminist legal organisation that was established in 1998 to advance the substantive rights of womxn through strategic litigation, advocacy, legal advice, and rights-based education. Its object is to develop feminist jurisprudence and policies that considers the lived realities of womxn through an intersectional…