from Leslie London – In general, it seems most of the Large Developments in Observatory developments are on hold. Our last Erf Watch found that most of these developments have not submitted further plans. This may be the result of a glut of accommodation in Observatory coupled with the depressed real estate market. Some of the proposed developments are tied up in Heritage processes at the moment.
The City is City embarking on a process to develop local spatial development plans. If anyone is interested in getting involved, please contact the LDG.
FAMSA in Bowden Rd is looking for tenants to for turning their premises into a Wellness Centre for Obs rather than seeing the property sold off to be replaced by another apartment building. If anyone has interest or ideas, please contact the OCA and we will put you in touch with FAMSA.
Schedule of developments as at May 2019
A useful website is the City site for C3 complaints – at
Another useful URL for the City is their map viewer which will enable you to identify the zoning status and erf number of a property – at It might help with identifying an Erf number, or a street address and the attached zoning status.