While the Judge makes her decision, muddying narratives will emerge

21 FEB 2022 —

Day 30 after the end of our High Court hearing and we still await Judge Goliath’s decision. We know it’s a complex case and needs a lot of careful consideration of a wide range of facts. But while we wait, the concrete continues pouring. Amazon’s HQ building is now three floors high and the bridge over the Black River – straight across the historical confluence of the Two Rivers – is being pushed hard by the ongoing construction.

In the interim, some wild and implausible new narratives have emerged from the First Nations Collective (FNC). These new narratives, all purporting to discover new facts about the site, seem more than coincidental given that they have appeared whilst Judge Goliath is deciding on the interdict. What is abundantly clear, however, is that opinions can easily be altered to suit the moment…