Ward Committee 57 resignation

Councillor Yusuf Mohamed – Ward 57

7 July 2024
Resignation from Ward Committee 57

I am writing to formally resign from the Ward Committee 57 with immediate effect. My decision is based on the following critical issues:

1. Exclusion of Civic Bodies: The public refusal by you at a Salt River Public Meeting held on Saturday 6 July at the Salt River Blackpool Hall to include civic organizations such as the Observatory Civic Association and the Woodstock Civic Association, along with other civic bodies, in the ward committee is unacceptable. These organizations represent the voice of the people and should be the main members of the ward committee. A ward committee that does not incorporate these bodies cannot effectively represent the needs and interests of the community.

2. Lack of Community Consultation and Representation: There has been a noticeable lack of community consultation and representation. You have not called or held one public meeting since your election. The absence of public meetings called by you, the councillor, to engage with the community is a significant concern. Effective representation requires consistent and transparent dialogue with the people we serve.

3. Spreading Misinformation: The public social media post false statement that you were not invited to the Salt River stakeholder meeting facilitated by DAG (Development Action Group) held on Tuesday 2nd July 2024 when you were invited by several people. The dissemination of misinformation regarding community consultation and the heritage society is alarming. Claims of consulting the community and the Salt River Heritage Society in a social media post about the bicycle lane are misleading, especially considering the bicycle lane’s existence since 2015, predating the establishment of the Salt River Heritage Society in 2018. ( See article: Published Jul 10, 2015 – Businesses in Woodstock and Salt River have since cried foul, saying that the lanes were imposed without proper consultation and that the threat of punitive action would drive away customers and business.https://www.iol.co.za/motoring/industry-news/bike-lanes-cape-sticks-to-its-guns-1883499). This misrepresentation undermines trust and transparency.

4. Misuse of the Salt River Heritage Society Representation: Using the heritage society’s representation on the ward committee to say that you have consulted the community is unacceptable. Effective community engagement involves more than just social media interactions; it requires face-to-face public meetings where all voices can be heard.
Given these reasons, I am compelled to resign from the ward committee. I call on you to properly constitute the ward committee by filling the vacant seats on the ward committee by representatives from civic bodies from Salt River, Observatory, Woodstock and Walmer Estate and if regular public meetings are called by you to report to and consult with the communities. True consultation involves direct engagement, not just communication via social media platforms.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. I hope these concerns will be addressed for the betterment of our community.
Lutfi Omar