On Tuesday 21 January 2025, the Woodstock Residents Association (WRA) organised a community engagement at Woodstock Town Hall to discuss the city’s plans to sell Cissie Gool House (CGH), with the expectation that city officials would also attend, engage, and answer questions.
The day before the meeting, City officials met with representatives from WRA and confirmed that they would not attend the public meeting, and would only answer questions in the meeting with WRA. One of the City’s responses was that they do not intend to release the Stedone report, previously commissioned to determine the feasibility of developing the site without displacing any residents, and that they intend to engage the current residents after the official public participation window has closed (due to close January 31st 2025).
In the public meeting held on Tuesday, there was widespread agreement that a letter should be written to gather signatures for sending to the city, requesting that the city releases the full Stedone report, extends the public participation window, and engages with Woodstock residents and residents of CGH within that window.
You can read the letter here:
You can add your name to the letter here:
And the running list of signatures is viewable here:
Please share widely!