This morning the Liesbeek Action Campaign sent the letter linked below to all 52 parties contesting in the Cape Town municipal elections. READ LETTER HERE
Access to Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates
MEDIA STATEMENT To: Editors & Health Journalists Issued by: Department of Health Date: Tuesday, 05 October 2021 Access to Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates Pretoria: The Department of Health has been inundated with public and media enquiries about challenges they face when trying to download and access COVID-19 digital vaccination certificates. The department is currently at…
Save the Date!
Advance Notice Creating a Peaceful Observatory – Let’s Do It Together Social issues conversation facilitated by Andrew Boraine – residents, businesses, street dwellers, landlords, OBSID, OCA, ONW. Saturday 23rd October 2021 10h00 Venue to be announced For more information, contact Kiki ([email protected]) or Carolyn ([email protected])
Vision of a future Cape Town
UCT hosts virtual San & Khoi Heritage Month Colloquium
The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Cape Town (UCT) hosted a virtual San & Khoi Heritage Month Colloquium, titled “Unburning the Fire and Acknowledgement of Land Cleansing Ceremony” on 29 September 2021. The colloquium was a celebration of the research and knowledge production of the new San and Khoi Centre in its first…
OBS Neighbourhood Watch Meeting
Report back on 29 September meeting re Rejuvenating Obs Watch This email is going out to all those who attended the meeting last night, as well as to those who attended the meeting on Saturday 18th Sept and expressed an interest in getting involved: Here is a summary of some of the points raised last…
OBSID Public Safety Report September 2021
Request from Mark Basson re the use of Malta Park by dog walkers
Can you please assist in disseminating the following announcements to residents making use of field? • With cricket season officially underway from 2 October 2021,this Saturday , that residents together with their dogs stay clear of the cricket pitch in that specific maintenance is undertaken on a daily basis in preparation thereof; • Residents are…