
Sacred River MAKE THE LIESBEEK MATTER! Free Observatory from flood risk Don’t infill our wetlands with concrete. Stop destroying a watercourse, a wetland and a floodplain The Liesbeek Leisure Property Trust (LLPT) construction of a massive 150 000m2 Mixed Use development at the River Club, could pose a significant flood risk to the area. The…

a Word from our Chair

Dear Obs residents I am writing to give you a quick update on matters to do with the River Club and circulate an invitation to sign another petition: The application for heritage grading of the Two Rivers Urban Park by HWC, submitted in early 2020 by a coalition of over 60 First Nation groups, Civic…

a Radio interview regarding our Malta Park petition

Local football club FC Kapstadt has brought a petition against Cape Town Football Club over the use of Hartleyvale Stadium in Observatory. The soccer team has accused the City of Cape Town of unfairness and favouring the PSL team over them. On line for comment is chairman of Observatory Civic Association, Leslie London and FC…

News from the CAN’s

Our little community kitchen in Observatory, Cape Town is in desperate need of funds should we wish continue our work through the new year.  – Since the start of lockdown, the community kitchen has served three meals every day twice a day to our street-based neighbours on the Village Green, many of whom are Black…

An update from Architecture & Heritage

The Architecture & Heritage committee has hit the ground running this year, with an expanded committee, heritage applications already rolling in for comment, and some new projects on the horizon. Naomi Roux has taken over this portfolio from Kirstin Mackenzie, who did an amazing job keeping the A&H portfolio on task through 2020, developing good…

SGM Held on 12 January 2021

Meeting Date: 12 January 2021 Time: 20.00 Report By: Thabang Bhili Chairperson: Leslie London Attendees: The meeting was only open to OCA members. Motion proposed: OCA to intervene as an amicus curiae in the matter of City of Cape Town v Moore N.O. and Others; Case Number: 8919/19. The Observatory Civic Association held its Special General…

a Word from our Chair

Dear Obs residents This has been a really challenging year, both for us as a Civic representing our community, and for our wider society, dealing with the never-before-encountered epidemic of COVID-19, which has changed our lives almost completely. So, in wishing everyone well over the festive season, I want to remind everyone to stay safe…

a Message from our Deputy Chair

I am Roegchanda Pascoe currently serving as the Deputy chair lady. I am residing here in Observatory for 2 years now its an honor for me to be part of the community as it will just add to the work I am doing as an activist and my belief that all of humanity can live…