LDG Status of developments as at end July 2019

Brief updates on large developments:

    • The large apartment block on William St (also Rawson) had strict conditions imposed on its approval so it will only be 5 stories in height.
    • The developers of the River Club have pended their application for rezoning so as to allow the Environmental Impact Assessment to be considered. Any Obs residents can comment on the Assessment documents available at https://www.srk.co.za/en/za-river-club-redevelopment-pre-application-bar. If you are not already an Interested and Affected Party (IAP), you can still register as an IAP by emailing Amy Hill at [email protected]
    • Note that the Provisional Protection Order over the River Club imposed by Heritage Western Cape still stands and the developers and their supporters in the City and Province are still appealing the Protection Order.
    • A new development has been proposed for the Doves Building on Main Rd (next to the Groote Schuur Spar). The development is, again, one of those large, characterless, 9 story apartment buildings. However, the architectural design has attracted a lot of criticism and this has been submitted to Heritage Western Cape as part of the heritage approval process.
    • The developers for 321 on Main won their appeal at the Heritage Appeal Tribunal. However, we are still to see the design criteria proposed for the replacement building.
    • A major redevelopment of the Arcadia on Main Rd is coming in the future. The Old Age Home will be replaced by two-building, partly extended into St Peter’s Square, comprising mainly apartments, but the Old Age Home will be re-established in the new building taking up one wing with a frail care facility.
