Stun grenades thrown at farm women outside Parliament

Farm women and police officers face off after the protestors broke the police line and had stun grenades thrown at them. Photos: Liezl Human Liezl Human – 4 June 2024 Over 200 farm women braved the rain and cold to march to Parliament in Cape Town on Tuesday. Under the banner of the Women on…

Avoid social media scams

Jason Lane-Sellers, director of fraud and identity for Europe, Middle East and Africa at LexisNexis Risk Solutions, told Daily Maverick that fraudsters are increasingly using social media by creating deepfake videos of celebrities or public figures endorsing fake investment opportunities or cryptocurrencies. A classic example in South Africa is the recent social media scam using…

Permaculture Manual

This Permaculture Manual is compiled by John Nzira of He is one of the most respected permaculture practitioners in South Africa. Thank you John for sharing your wisdom and generously making this manual available for free download

Help support T.R.A.S.H.

Great work by the Friends of the Liesbeek’s Liesbeek Maintenance Project team clearing the opening of the channel mouth to the wetland in Obs. This, and the entire divergence project is what kept us flood free last winter. Please consider donating if you are able, and or sharing the good work that FOL does. The…

What might a parallel polis feel like? David Bollier’s idea of a “commonsverse” – a world in which commons are viable & valued – could tell us

“A swirling commonsverse” – prompt to Midjourney The Alternative – 24 May 2024 Happy to run something powerful again by David Bollier this week, lead thinker/practitioner of the commons and the Commoning movement – which David has taken to calling the “Commonsverse”. This is his opening essay to a collection entitled Advancing the Commonsverse: The Political Economy of the Commons,…

Ma Earth wants culture and economics to move from “extractive to regenerative, transactional to relational, from commodifying Mother Earth to revering her”

WATCH YOUTUBE VIDEO We like the angle of Ma Earth’s inquiry, as revealed over this video series “The Regeneration Will Be Funded”.  Which is how to direct capital (of all kinds) towards policies and actions that really get us to a renewable, regenerative world. Above is a highly illuminating interview with Bayo Akomolafe, the American-Indian-Yoruban…

Local news “drives democratic engagement, mitigates disinformation & protects environmental standards.” UK philanthropy needs to step up to help it

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash The Alternative – 23 May 2024 Here’s an interesting cross-post from the philanthropy sector magazine Alliance, which compares how philanthropists are responding to the crisis in local news – which we’re switched onto at this site (here, here, here and here) – in the UK, compared to the US and Europe. (Answer: not much.)…