Keep Earl Street an Open, Green, Community Space!

In 2017, the City of Cape Town declared its intention to develop six social housing sites in Woodstock. Four of them are in a 250m radius around Earl Street. Despite not being consulted at the time, the community, its civic and stakeholders have supported five of the six social housing projects: The land has been…

Help Singabalapha residents stay warm and dry this winter

Singabalapha residents (next to St. Peters Square, Main Road Observatory) are asking us to donate blankets, mattresses, building materials and warm clothes to help them get through this bitterly cold and wet winter. Sinazo requested cement to fix houses as water is coming underneath, more blankets, firewood, winter clothes and soup.

Car-related muggings

There have been recent reports of muggings involving criminals entering Observatory in a vehicle. 1. It is important to remember to be conscious of other individuals when walking anywhere in public. Be on the watch not just for people but cars. 2. Obs has license plate recognition cameras and this network has reduced crime and…

Comments on Cape Town’s Draft Energy Strategy

Congratulations on the draft document which I am sure will be well received by hard pressed residents of Cape Town. I have the following comments which reference sections of text (in italics) in the document: Pilot alternative public lighting solutions for un-electrified informal settlements When travelling some years ago to the Yunnan province of China,…

Thriving on Catastrophe

George Monbiot – 21 June 2023 Round the cycle turns. As millions are driven from their homes by climate disasters, the extreme right exploits their misery to extend its reach. As the extreme right gains power, climate programmes are shut down, heating accelerates and more people are driven from their homes. If we don’t break…

Doc film on River Club

The documentary film on the River Club, I am this water, in the Encounters Film Festival will be taking place at the Bertha Movie House, Isivivana Centre, Khayelitsha, at 2PM this Friday. It also will be screened at Cinema Nouveau V&A on July 2nd, Transport is being provided from the Bertha Centre in Mowbray to…