Activists celebrate court halting River Club development, as developers set to challenge ruling

Tauriq Jenkins, high commissioner of the Goringhaicona Khoena Council, which has opposed the development from the start at The Liesbeek Action Campaign and World Water Day at Two Rivers Urban Park on March 21, 2022 in Manenberg, South Africa. (Photo by Gallo Images/Brenton Geach)

Marvin Charles – 21 March 2022

Activists who have long fought the redevelopment of the River Club in Observatory are celebrating a court ruling halting development.

On Friday, the Western Cape High court stopped the R4.5 billion development, ruling that the developers must “consult meaningfully” with all affected people.

Deputy Judge president Patricia Goliath granted the interim interdict. It will remain in place, pending a review of the relevant environmental land use authorisations to develop the historically and culturally significant floodplain…