πŸŽƒ Calling all Halloween-friendly homes & businesses in Observatory! πŸŽƒ

If you would like trick-or-treaters calling in on Sunday 29 October 17h30-19h30 (not Tuesday 31st). Please remember to stick a picture of a pumpkin on your gate or decorate so kids & parents know you are open for fun πŸ‘» Pet lovers – consider having doggie treats available too as often families walk with their dogs.

To be added to the map as a Halloween-friendly home, please join our WA Group tinyurl.com/obsHalloWApp and give your house address & the hosts names.
Everyone, please check that your details on the map are correct some gremlins may have gotten in.

Kid owners please also join tinyurl.com/obsHalloWApp & give the number of kids participating so we can estimate how much candy we all need! 🍭🍬. If you’d like to take a look at the map, you can do so here tinyurl.com/ObsHalloMap