The devastating impact that the proposed amendments to the Municipal Planning By-Laws (MPBL) will have on our community

Ward 4 are concerned about the devastating impact that the proposed amendments to the Municipal Planning By-Laws (MPBL) will have on our community. A network of criminal developers is currently targeting our peaceful neighbourhoods, exploiting loopholes in the system to illegally establish boarding houses under the guise of accommodating “growing families.” This unlawful activity is not only turning our area into a crime-ridden zone but also crippling our infrastructure and causing property values to plummet.

Alarmingly, the proposed amendments to the MPBL seem designed to exacerbate this crisis. By legalizing boarding houses as a “consent use” for SR1 properties, the City will encourage even more illegal developments, effectively dismantling the fabric of our neighbourhoods. To compound the issue, Summer Greens and Phoenix have been designated as overlay zones, which would allow for a lowering of requirements for low-cost rental properties — without any meaningful public participation.

As a result, the residents of Ward 4 are submitting the following objections and proposing alternative solutions to prevent the destructive consequences of these proposed amendments:

  1. Remove Boarding Houses as a Consent Use for SR1 Properties: Boarding houses should not be allowed under any circumstances in areas zoned SR1. Additionally, we propose that mechanisms be introduced allowing residents negatively impacted by planning decisions to claim damages from the City if it can be proven that officials failed to meaningfully consider their objections.
  2. Empower Communities to cancel Overlay Zones: Residents should have the right to submit petitions to initiate the cancellation of an area’s designation as an overlay zone that permits low-cost rental units. Moreover, the designation of such zones should only proceed after a comprehensive socio-economic impact assessment has been completed and shared publicly with affected communities. This ensures transparency and protects the rights of the residents.
  3. Independent Law Enforcement for Planning Compliance: Officials responsible for enforcing planning bylaws should be part of the City’s law enforcement branch to prevent conflicts of interest. This separation of duties will restore public trust in building inspectors and ensure that compliance with planning regulations is enforced without bias.

Ward 4 residents are deeply concerned that these proposed amendments will not only destroy the character of our community but also expose us to increased criminal activity, infrastructural strain, and a catastrophic loss in property value. It infringes on the constitutional rights to property, health and safety of residents in the ward. We strongly urge you to reconsider these changes and implement our proposed solutions to safeguard the integrity and safety of our neighbourhoods.