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BLANK BOOKS – 20% OFF ALL Science Fiction & Fantasy
Hello to one and all! The first of our weekly specials features our Science Fiction & Fantasy categories. We’re huge fans of these genres and just love to let people know that we’ve read the book before the movie or series comes out. You can browse our full Science Fiction and Fantasy content below: https://blankbooks.co.za/179-science-fiction…
Sahar Jamal – Delve
Artist Statement: I capture images at 140x magnification using a Foldscope. The foldscope is an origami paper microscope designed to be less than $1 to create. This instrument is a symbol in itself of what I am inspired by. Curiosity is universal and a vital driving force towards conceptual evolution. The global distribution of such…
Some indigenous groups in South Africa want to stop Amazon building a new HQ on the site of a historic battleground
Isobel Asher Hamilton, 24 September 2021 – Amazon is building a new headquarters in Cape Town, South Africa. – Some local indigenous groups oppose the development, saying it’s an important heritage site. – The developer said it worked closely with indigenous groups to accommodate their requests. Amazon announced in April it would build a new…
Ever wondered what to do with your old electronics?
Donate them to AuTerra! AuTerra, a Woodstock-based business, makes ethical and eco-friendly jewellery from e-waste!
Observatory Town Hall meeting tomorrow Saturday 18 September 12:30pm, VENUE: Observatory Community Centre Strict Covid protocols will be observed and you must wear your mask Or join the meeting on the OCA Facebook page. AGENDA 12:30pm Welcome by Carolyn Neville (OBSID Social Issues Chair 2016-2019) 12:40pm Human Values intro by Kiki Bisogno (OCA Social Issues…
SAHRA Heritage Week Webinar Series 2021
Join The South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) for our exciting Heritage Week Webinar Series focusing on the conservation of the national estate and building bridges with the heritage community. Between 20 – 23 September SAHRA will be hosting a series of webinars that focus on our areas of management in heritage conservation management. SAHRA…
OPINION | Nathan Geffen: Nick Hudson and PANDA are wrong. Vaccines work. Here’s the proof.
Nathan Geffen, 14 September 2021 The behaviour that Nick Hudson and his organisation PANDA encourage — not wearing masks and not getting vaccinated — ironically, is what is making it so hard to put lockdowns behind us, writes Nathan Geffen. Vaccine hesitancy is a big problem. The news has been filled in recent weeks with…
Anti-vaxxers attempt to scupper efforts to vaccinate the homeless
By Sandisiwe Shoba, 10 September 2021 A drive to vaccinate the homeless in Claremont was almost derailed when a small group of anti-vaxxers showed up and began spewing conspiracies and profanities. Vaccine hesitancy is still rife amongst street dwellers who are often vulnerable to severe illness from Covid-19. “Don’t take the jab! They’re trying to…
Amazon’s Cape Town base: The battle to save South African culture
14 September 2021 Campaigners in the South African city of Cape Town are trying to halt the building of the African headquarters for Amazon. It’s a battle that pits cultural concerns against economic interests, as the BBC’s Vumani Mkhize writes. It is an overcast day in Cape Town and the scenic Table Mountain is shrouded…