City ready to support youth during lockdown for future job opportunities

From left, Samson Phiri, Lulaway’s local project manager, with Lance Greyling, the City’s Director for Enterprise and Investment and Alderman James Vos, the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities and Asset Management. CITY OF CAPE TOWN | 16 APRIL 2020 STATEMENT BY THE CITY’S MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEMBER FOR ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES AND ASSET MANAGEMENT, ALDERMAN JAMES…

City assisting development industry during lockdown

CITY OF CAPE TOWN | 16 APRIL 2020 MEDIA RELEASE City assisting development industry during the lockdown The City’s Development Management Department is open for business during the national lockdown period. We are receiving and assessing building plan applications, and land use and development applications. Since the start of the lockdown to 9 April 2020, we…

Dear Obs residents – a word from our Chair

Dear Observatory residents, I am writing to alert you to the very good news about the River Club and to update you on work on COVID-19 in Observatory. Forgive me if this communication is a little long. 1. The outcome of the Heritage Appeal Tribunal considering the appeal against provisional protection of the River Club…

OBSID Communication to City of Cape Town

14 Apr 2020 The included letter ( READ HERE ) has been drafted with the unanimous support of the full Board of Directors of the Observatory Improvement District NPC. We acknowledge the enormous strain that the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on the City of Cape Town’s departments and functions and the resultant pressure teams have been placed…

Report Back on Strandfontein Camp – Monitor C19 Report

By Tauriq Jenkins | Sunday 12 April 2020 Tauriq Jenkins (a member of an independent task team comprising medical health, legal, social services, gender experts, and civil society invited by the South African Human Rights Commission to report on the relocation camp at Strandfontein Sports Complex) This report is part of the combined independent reports (including…

South Africa: COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Demands Safer Temporary Shelters

These were the scenes at the makeshift shelter at the Caledonian stadium in Tshwane before hundreds of vulnerable homeless people were relocated to other smaller shelters across Pretoria. An MSF team conducted health assessments at the stadium and continue to be actively involved in offering care and support to vulnerable populations, including migrants and asylum seekers as…

Covid-19 brings rubber bullets and water for the poor

The pandemic has pushed the state towards effective action, but this is simultaneoulsy taking both repressive and potentially progressive forms. In South Africa, and around the world, old certainties, many of them already a little brittle, are rapidly crumbling. The velocity of the changes taking place in the state, the economy and society are extraordinary….