OBS CAN Feed you WhatsApp group

PHOTO: Prepping one of OCFY’s daily meals Since the Covid pandemic prompted declaration of a state of disaster, Obs CAN has coordinated solidarity with our neighborhood’s most vulnerable residents. [the CAN has helped connect people with medical, legal, and other kinds of assistance.] One of the most important needs is food. building on the long-standing efforts…

Ruling by the Municipal Planning Tribunal on 30 September 2020

Read HERE the Municipal Planning Tribunal Ruling on the 30 September 2020 Below we share four of the appeals which were lodged against the above ruling 1. OCA Appeal OCA Full appeal Appeal Form Information which wasn’t made available for public comment Impact Assessments Detailed response to MPT reasons Response to Heritage Impacts Visual Impact…

The Liesbeek River – a “neglected stormwater gutter” or a “powerful historic symbol”?

24 October 2020 | by Leslie London | Cape Town, South Africa On Monday 26th October, the Observatory Civic Association and many other objectors will submit appeals to the City over its rezoning decision to permit the construction of a mini-Century City on the River Club grounds owned the Liesbeek Leisure Property Trust (LLPT), a decision…

Now you see it, now you don’t – the fate of the South African Astronomical Observatory

30 October 2020 | by Leslie London | Cape Town, South Africa The South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) recently celebrated its 200th birthday. As a National Heritage site, and in line to be declared a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, you would think its concerns about the River Club development, proposed to take place within some metres of the SAAO…

Housing activists appeal against River Club development

NEWS | By Lisa Isaacs | Oct 26, 2020 Cape Town – Housing activist group Ndifuna Ukwazi (NU) in its appeal against the Municipal Planning Tribunal’s (MPT) approval of the River Club development says the site has “undisputable historical-political significance as a result of its complex history”. NU lodged its appeal against the approval by the…

Province goes to court over River Club ruling

This is the planned development at the River Club that is being contested by various parties. Image supplied NEWS | 29 October 2020 | By Steve Kretzmann The Public Works Department wants the Heritage Tribunal’s findings overturned. The Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works has lodged papers in the Cape High Court against the…