The CEO Heritage Western Cape 142 Longmarket St Cape Town Dear Mr. Dlamuka I write with reference to the application by the Goringhaicona Council, the Two Rivers Urban Park Association and the Observatory Civic Association, supported by 57 other First Nation entities, Civic Associations and NGOs on the 27th February 2020 requesting that HWC grade…
The value of community spaces: Our story
During the early stages of the lockdown my 8-year-old son, N, became very fearful. He feared being burgled. Every night he hid our devices so burglars would not find them. At night he would preface comments about the following day with “If we are still alive tomorrow … “. He was scared to go out…
Observatory Improvement District cleans up in the face of COVID-19
As the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic continues to be felt, disruption to services, rising unemployment, increased crime and increases in the number of people living on the streets have been noted throughout Cape Town. The suburb of Observatory is no exception, but the Observatory Improvement District (OBSID) is making significant inroads in dealing with these…
How to lodge a complaint with the City Ombudsman
CITY OF CAPE TOWN 18 DECEMBER 2020 MEDIA RELEASE The City of Cape Town’s Ombudsman investigates and facilitates the resolution of complaints from members of the public against the City administration. The office follows the Ombudsman By-law (2015). It functions with independence, credibility and impartiality. It is against the law and South African Constitution…
Awarding of Liquor Licenses must consider residents’ interests
A recent Appeal Ruling confirmed that the Western Cape Liquor Licensing Tribunal must take account of the potential disturbance that may be caused to nearby residents before issuing a license. Most importantly, the public interest must be considered holistically, not just in terms of the rights of the applicant to trade or the service that…
Press conference on the proposed development of the River Club and the new Hartleyvale Stadium both in the TRUP precinct.
Goringhaicona held a combined press conference in solidarity with the Southern African Khoi and San Kingdom Council (which includes the Cochoqua Royal House, San, Nama, !Aman) the Kai Korana Transfrontier, FC Kaapstadt, the Greater Cape Town Civic Alliance, Civic Action for Public Participation, Woodstock Civic Association, Observatory Civic Association, Observatory Civic Association and the Two…
Invitation to join ObsCAN Feed You!
ObsCAN Feed You (OCFY)) is a community kitchen initiative that mobilises resources (time, culinary skills, money, community and food) within the neighbourhood of Observatory towards making good nutritious food available to people who need it. We emerged from community-based Covid-19 response action and it is our wish to evolve into a sustained structure of community…
COCT releases heritage management guideline booklet
Understanding the limits of what we can and can’t do with our houses, particularly in an older suburb like Observatory – most of which also falls under a Heritage Protection Overlay Zone – can feel pretty daunting. Can I paint my house bright pink? Can I replace my wooden window frames with aluminum? Can I…
Request for a consultative process for the future of the Malta Park and Hartleyvale precincts
Dear Councillors Badroodien and Chapple Request for a consultative process for the future of the Malta Park and Hartleyvale precincts I write on behalf of the Observatory Civic Association to request the City initiate a public consultation over a precinct plan for the sites including the Hartleyvale Precinct and Malta Park areas, which constitute part…
Koena Art Institute NPC Grand opening exhibition of its new and first gallery space in Cape Town, Observatory
Koena Art Institute NPC is delighted to present the grand opening exhibition of its new and first gallery space in Cape Town, Observatory, 42 Trill Road – Top Floor. The expressions of fine and contemporary Khoi/San artists themed “Indigenous” will be exhibited for the first time, presenting artwork by established artists of over 20 year…