Comments from the Observatory Civic Association in response to the call for comments and suggestions for the review of the MPBL

The MPBL and its processes. The City has twice previously amended the Municipal Planning bylaw, in November 2015 and in March 2019. On both occasions, the Bylaw amendments were copious (58 amendments in 2015 and 87 amendments in 2019) but communities were only given one month to comment on both occasions. The OCA and other…

MEDIA RELEASE  3 MAY 2021 Let’s talk: how can the City improve services for businesses, new ideas welcome

Businesses and stakeholders have the opportunity to share their views and new ideas by completing the Business Satisfaction Survey that was launched on Friday 30 April.  This initiative aims to improve services provided to this sector to continue to promote a business-friendly environment that encourages economic growth and opportunities in Cape Town. As part of…

a Word from our Chair

Finally, the City of Cape Town politicians have done what we expected all along. The outcome of our Appeal against rezoning of the River Club land has ended with the City ignoring widespread public opposition, overlooking the facts of the case and justifying the River Club development as a wonderful benefit to the people of…

a Word from our Chair

As you know, the MEC for the Department of Environmental Affairs and Economic Development rejected our appeal against the Environmental Authorisation granted to the developers of the River Club. This decision ignored evidence of the adverse impacts of the development on the environment, the harm for Climate resilience and the unlawful nature of the decision…

Call for proposals – “Telling the story of Observatory through heritage & memorialisation”

Background: The Observatory Improvement District NPC (OBSID – see adopted a public space policy in 2020 that is guiding the use of resources for the improvement and celebration of public space in the neighbourhood. Part of this process entailed a public call for ideas amongst residents and businesses. There was some interest in celebrating the history…