City makes Covid-19 vaccine registration easier

CITY OF CAPE TOWN 28 APRIL 2021 MEDIA RELEASE  The City of Cape Town is making vaccine registration for elderly residents easier with access to internet connectivity and wifi. The national vaccine registration portal opened for residents over 60 last week. Read more below: ‘While the electronic vaccine data system (EVDS) is now open for…

a Word from our Chair May 2021

Thousands of supporters want to make the Liesbeek Matter! This was quite a week. Not only did the ANC suspend its secretary-general, and the US president did a flip to support the global call for a waiver of Intellectual Property Protection for COVID-19 vaccines, but the numbers of supporters of our cause has rocketed since…

OCA’s open letter to McKenzie Scott – former wife of Jeff Bezos and the third richest woman in the world with a net worth of $53 billion 04 May 2021

Dear Ms Mckenzie Scott I write to you as the chair of the Observatory Civic Association, a small community civic in Cape Town, South Africa that prides itself on active citizenry towards civic democracy. Our Civic, which has a long history of community activism, is currently partnered with more than60 First Nation Khoi Indigenous organisations,…

The River Club development: What is really at stake?

By Leslie London Leslie London is chairperson of the Observatory Civic Association. He has been a human rights activist in the health sector for many years and has become involved in civic democracy, more recently helping to found, with other civic activists, the network of Civic Action for Public Participation (CAPP), which is committed to…

When it flows, it floods

By Tauriq Jenkins Tauriq Jenkins is Supreme High Commissioner for the Goringhaicona Khoi Khoin Traditional Indigenous Council under Paramount Chief Aran In 1996, the Khoi and San were not part of the Constitution. Then President Thabo Mbeki’s “I am an African” speech, with the founding of South Africa’s Constitution, would remain in its nascent stage…

Is South Africa ready for the Amazon effect?

The announcement that Amazon will set up South African headquarters in an R4 billion Cape Town development was met with excitement and concern. Picture: Abhishek N. Chinnappa/Reuters NEWS | By Wesley Diphoko  | May 2, 2021 The announcement that Amazon will set up South African headquarters in an R4 billion Cape Town development was met with excitement and concern….

’This land is sacred’: Cape Town authorities slammed for approving River Club development

A commemorative plaque, which was vandalised eight months ago, was restored during a march against the River Club development on Tuesday. Picture: Phando Jikelo/African News Agency (ANA) NEWS | By Francesca Villette | Apr 28, 2021 Cape Town – The City of Cape Town and the Western Cape provincial government have come under fierce attack for “supporting”, through…