Haveva Hookah Bar Liquor License Application meeting

Dear All,

Leslie London and I met with residents of Bowden road about the Haveva Hookah Bar license application last night.

It’s a pretty terrible situation for the residents if this bar gets a license.

Past Behaviour:
Selling liquor through parties as a bottle with ticket
Lots of DJ parties day and night – Loud Base (numerous ref no’s to Law Enforcement) and no soundproofing they have a dedicated DJ booth if that gives any idea.
Doors left open because they have no extraction (Hookah Bar)
Congestion of people outside Bar with drinking (there is video)
Charging corkage yet they’re not licensed.
There is no parking, so bad parking congestion on a very narrow road that barely services the residents as it is.
Residents have on numerous occasions spoken to the owner and he hasn’t done much or anything to mitigate the circumstances, one of the windows is on Bowden rd.

What has been done:

I have sent an email to WCLA , Noise, DLO etc.
The feedback from WCLA is that they’re not licensed so they can’t do anything and they’ve referred it to Noise at COCT?

What needs to be done?
-Residents need to object individually, they need to send their objections to WCLA and to the DLO ([email protected]).
-All reference numbers needed to be included in those objections and any new ones can be forwarded individually thereafter.
– Note must be made about past behaviour proving them to be not fit to hold a license.
– Note must also be made that there is no entertainment license nor has any event license been applied for in the past for any of their parties.
– All evidence of pictures and video must also be included in the objections.
– Note must be made that there is no restaurant and they serve no food at present.

I personally have decided not to speak to the owner as the liquor lawyer is the same one that did Honeybun’s application and a lot was promised to me and not one thing materialised. He also has demonstrated non-compliance already as this issue has been going on for over a year.

Please see examples taken off their Instagram page, where they offer corkage or a “bottle of Hennesy” with ticket price.

Best Regards,
Nicole Rasmussen
Vice-chair Observatory CPF Sub-forum.