1. There is a CPF Sub Forum Sector 1 meeting on Wed 6th March at 18h30 at OBSID offices. Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting.
2. SAPS and CPF Sub Forum Sector 1 arranged a meeting with all liquor licence holders in Observatory to discuss security and other related
matters. There were 8 establishments represented and the meeting was well received.
3. There are no current liquor licence applications in the pipeline. There is no appeal date for the Karibu Liquor Store appeal, although a local
resident reports that building work has started on the house.
4. The Obs Journey had a good meeting with all those who are working with our non-housed community. We shall continue to hold these meetings on a regular basis so that everyone is updated on what is happening. Gospel Ramah church on Main Road are holding another Dignity Day on 20th April and have asked for donations from the community of soap, small packets of tea, sugar, clothing (mostly men’s clothing and small sizes) – they provide showers, hair cuts, medical check ups, a set of clothing, a grocery bag for each guest and a meal on the day.
5. The Obs Journey group are going to be organised a panel discussion for members of the community (housed and non-housed as the topic affects all) on addiction. We hope to find:
- an engaging medical practitioner to discuss what addition is and what forms it takes and how it is treated
- a person who has overcome their addiction and who is fully functional in society
- someone to talk to the affects of addiction on others – family, friends, community