How a Colombian city cooled dramatically in just three years

A vertical garden at Medellin’s City Hall. Photo: Peter Yeung Peter Yeung-13 May 2024 With “green corridors” that mimic the natural forest, Medellín is driving down temperatures — and could become five degrees cooler over the next few decades. It’s mid-afternoon along Medellín’s Avenida Oriental, a traffic-clogged road that scythes through the heart of the…

Cape Town’s ocean-bound sewage options unveiled

More than two million litres of sieved raw sewage is pumped out to sea off Camps Bay every day. This is one of three marine outfalls, the other two being at Greenpoint and Hout Bay. The City has commissioned a study to determine the costs of treating the sewage first, or piping it to existing…

Local conservation groups feel ‘undermined’ by Cape Town’s biodiversity management branch

Rondevlei Nature Reserve’s protected area includes a wetland and a lake, threatened fynbos species and bird-watching hides. (Photo: Kristin Engel) Kristin Engel – 16 May 2024 Local conservation groups complain they are being undermined by certain decisions taken by the City of Cape Town’s biodiversity management branch, describing them as ‘autocratic’ and ‘counterproductive’ to the…

Calling on residents and interested parties to comment on the proposed “development” which will devastate the Oude Molen Community & the Cape Town green corridor Invitation to a Town Hall on the proposed development at Oude Molen Eco Village When: Tuesday 7th of May Where: Oude Molen Hall Time: 17.30 Provincial government has proposed a…

OBSID traffic study

The proposals to revitalise the Lower Main Rd with some options explored in the OBSID traffic study (which can be found here). Matt Tyrrel from OBSID will speak to this

T.R.A.S.H. cleanup

Don’t forget, it’s our monthly clean-up tomorrow: So come & join us as we Clean-Up along the banks of the Liesbeek this coming Saturday. Spend as much or as little time as you want – everyone is welcome! We always leave bags on the banner, so grab one, fill it & tie it up and…

Riverlands sod turning greeted with mixed feelings

From left are Premier Alan Winde, Cape Town mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis, Western Cape First Nations Collective chairperson, Chief Zenzile Khoisan and deputy mayor Eddie Andrews at the sod-turning ceremony at the Riverlands development in Observatory. Wesley Ford – 28 March 2024 Members of the Western Cape First Nations Collective (WCFNC) celebrated the breaking of the…