Mosa Moshabela’s partnership with his grandmother took him from rural Limpopo all the way to the top at UCT

Incoming vice chancellor of the University of Cape Town Professor Mosa Moshabela, during a UCT media briefing. 24 May 2024. (Photo: Suné Payne) Tinyiko Maluleke – 11 June 2024 It is almost midnight in the little-known, poverty-stricken village of Mapatjakeng in Zebediela, Limpopo. As if propelled by a hurricane, 12-year-old Matlagolo Mosa “Moloto” Moshabela darts…

Start composting at home

Compost can be used to feed your soil and is perfect for if you are trying to grow your own food, either at home or in a community garden. You can also start composting at your small business premises if you have a suitable garden area. Composting system Even if you have a smaller garden…

Natural Food Garden Design & Layout

CTT Food Grower’s Initiative in collaboration with Cape Food Gardens proudly presents 🌱 a one of its kind 🌳 Natural Food Garden Design & Layout Third session Date :22 June 2024 Time: 9am to 12 noon Location: Al-Waagah Institute For The Deaf. 6 Petunia Rd, Bridgetown Facilitator: Prince Nyadimbo (Permaculturist) Donations Welcome What we’ll…

How artistic organisations can express their role in helping the survival of biodiverse and human life on this troubled planet

The Alternative – 5 June 2024 In terms of how artists and creatives might determinedly respond to climate meltdown, Culture Declares Emergency are at the forefront of change and activism. Below is the introductory blurb (and above the blueprint) for what they’re calling a “toolkit”, that makes any organisation or group fully prepared to be under climate scrutiny….

What are the embryonic initiatives that quickly and radically transform society? Maybe ours will be gardens, suggests Greg Frey

Photos by Holly McGratten   The Alternative – 6 June 2024 Always keen to cross-post from the brilliant eco-writer Greg Frey. This is a “think-feature” (also published in Freedom) whose conclusion is: “Many revolutions have clubs and community groups to thank for the forms of embryonic organisation that were necessary to quickly and radically transform society. Possibly, for…

Globalised capitalism’s eating habits are responsible for one third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions

By HG – 7 May 2024 According to a new report from the World Bank, changing how we farm could cut global emissions by almost one third. Greenhouse gas emissions could be drastically reduced by simply altering how food is produced around the world. The agrifood industry – which combines agriculture and food – takes into account the whole production…


Come and support the wonderful ladies at SEW & SHADES 45 Station Road, Observatory, Cape Town. 0744221218 They make bespoke shades, can repair anything fabric and make up whatever you can think of.

Street Store for the homeless is back again

Street Store is the world’s first rent-free, premises-free, pop-up clothing store for the homeless. Picture: Supplied Sarene Kloren – 8 June 2024 This year marks ten years of bringing dignity to homeless people around the world through clothing. Street Store, the world’s first rent-free, premises-free, pop-up clothing store for the homeless, has evolved from a simple idea in…