Observatory Swimming Pool Update

The entire pool basin was condemned and is being revamped including replacement of outlet piping ,valves ,expansion-joints , scum-channels and retiling of pool walls and floor. Filters ,pumps and motors including replacement of cast iron ducting and valves that control water flow to and from pool basin are still to be done. Further excavation has…

The Obs-fficial Thrift Fest & Alt Fest

Saturday 6 July 2024 at 9AM Upon a time in the land of Observatory , There was a Thrift Fest that occurred every now and then. It was said that once you shop there , no matter where you live , Your local mall prices offend. You won’t leave empty handed , there’s a whole…

Obs Library Nelson Mandela day activities

We would like to do the following activities and hope the Friends can sponsor. Also, if the community can provide old clothes and things for our street store. Would you be able to put the word out? Date: 18 July Time 9am – 12 pm Street Store (Nelson Mandela Day activity) – free clothing store…

“Mother City” documentary

Sparking transformation, the beautifully observed film, Mother City is a deeply human and often heart-breaking look at the politics of urbanism. The filmmakers follow activists of the Reclaim the City movement over six years as they make Cape Town’s abandoned spaces their home, and use it as a base from which to lobby for the…

Liefde, wellus en korrupsie aan die Kaap van Goeie Hoop

Max du Preez – 22 September 2023 Die rykste vrou aan die Kaap in die vroeë 1700’s was die dogter van ’n slaaf en self die eienaar van vele slawe. Haar merkwaardige Indiese moeder het aan Jan van Riebeek ‘behoort’. Dit is ’n verhaal oor die Kaapse voorouers van die Bassons, De Wets, Vissers, Berghs,…

Start composting at home

Compost can be used to feed your soil and is perfect for if you are trying to grow your own food, either at home or in a community garden. You can also start composting at your small business premises if you have a suitable garden area. Composting system Even if you have a smaller garden…

Organic Waste Living Masterclass

We invite the public to a free Zero Waste Living Masterclass on food waste and organic waste diversion and to visit the Waste Savvy Market, where various items made from recycled waste will be on display. The masterclass will take place on Thursday, June 27, 2024, in the Civic Center banquating Hall from 10:00 am…

Would-be metal thieves beware

As part of our efforts to fight back against a wave of cable theft, particularly of street light cabling, we have launched a billboard campaign highlighting the heavy prison sentence carried if found guilty of metal theft. The billboards are being erected at metal theft hotspots around the metro, carrying the clear message that anyone caught in…