Why Amazon’s River Club Development is not Sustainable
OCA Chair delivers the Nasiha at Claremont Mosque
Assertion of our African Identity
OCA Chair receives award for community leadership
Tauriq Jenkins gets Community Bravery award from CoCT
Rev Boesak links the First Nations struggles across the world
The CoCT receives 50k+ signatures
Rev Boesak supports 50000 signatories to stop the River Club development
Allan Boesak – why #Statuesmustfall was part of #June16th march to deliver the 50 000+ signatures
Rev Mash speaks from the pulpit of St George’s Cathedral against the proposed River Club development
Walk to Freedom
Adv Rod Solomons: Exclusive OCA interview
Alan Boesak exclusive OCA interview
Why the River Club development makes no sense – OCA livestream from the Claremont Main Rd mosque
Outrcy over development on sacred ground
Stop the River Club Development
Khoi people take on developer